For The Regulation Of A Money Order System Between, Hawaii And Hong-Kong.

    1. The Offices of Exchange for Money Order advices and accounts shall be Hong-Kong and Honolulu , only.

    2. Hong-Kong may issue Orders payable at any Money Order Office in Hawaii , and Honolulu may Issue Orders payable at any Money Order Office in China or at Macao .

    3. All Orders are to be drawn in Dollars, each Office making its own arrangements as to rates of exchange allot form of order and advice.

    4. No single order shall exceed $50. The granting of more than two $50 Orders to the same person in favor of the same payee, by the same mail, is considered undesirable by the Hong-Kong Office, which does not, however, refuse to honor such Orders.

    5. Each Office shall fix its own rate of commission and advise the other Office what its rates are.

    6. Each Office shall credit the other with 1 per cent. on the total amount of Orders issued by such Office.

    7. As soon as any Order is issue, relative advice shall be forwarded by first opportunity.

    8. All Orders shall be paid without deduction. Payment of any order made before the arrival of the Advice is at the risk of the country making it.

    9. At the end of every six months, whichever office shall r have a claim against the other, shall prepare an account embracing the entire series of Orders issued by both Offices during such six months, and shewing the balance due. Such balance must be remitted by the Office owing it by Bill of Exchange. These periodical settlements are not, however, to supersede frequent remittances on account, where all or nearly all the Orders are in one direction.

    10. Money Orders which shall not have been paid within 12 months from the (late of the issue thereof, shall be considered void, and the amount thereof shall be placed to the credit of the country of .origin in the half-yearly accounts.

    11. All these rules are open to revision by common consent from time to time.

    12. The Money Order System shall come into force, April 1st, 1885 .

    Signed in duplicate at Honolulu this 13th day of December, A. D. 1884.

                                M. WHITNEY,

                            Postmaster General.

    And at Hong-Kong this fifth day of February, 1885.

                                ALFRED LISTER

                            Postmaster General.

    I approve of the above Rules.

                                CHARLES T. GULICK,

                            Minister of the Interior.

    Honolulu , December 13th, 1884 .

    I approve of the above Rules.

By order.

                                W. H MARSH,

                            Colonial Secretary.

    Hong-Kong, February 6th,1885 .